21 Replies to “$150 A Day With Google Gemini AI – Make Money Guaranteed!”

  1. Great Video Marcus! Plz make a video on How To Find Video Ideas! Im 80+ videos in on my 1st year on YT and currently the biggest challenge is WHAT TO UPLOAD NEXT!

    I know your views on this that you should ask the audience but what when the audience is too small to give an answer? Like, I got 970 subs and not a lot of people comment when I ask what you want me to upload.

    Would really help if u make a video on finding video ideas and SCRIPTWRITING for youtube videos!!!


  2. Thanks for the info, but for your homepage of your website you just put content of what the website is about? And a post section, this is all new to me.

  3. Little tricky this one. I asked Chatgpt and Gemini and both said that Gordon ramsey has the only rights to use his name for commercial purposes. If you use his name to make money you could get in some hot water. So watch out before you do this!

  4. I love Marcus and what he does, and the technical side of everything is right on the money. The only issue I have is it isn't discussed how difficult it is to get sufficient traffic to make these methods work, especially when it comes to blogs/websites. Ranking high enough to get enough people to visit your content is incredibly tough. I had an automotive site getting 75,000 views per month that made me a full-time living. Google did core updates in the fall of 2022 and it dropped me to about 6,000 views a month and about $100 a month overnight!!!! Tried to revive the site, but it just got even worse. I'm now vey skeptical about getting organic traffic from Google search.

  5. Absolutely the best info…. I struggle with wordpress but use it…. Marcus.. you should have a million subscribers.. seriously.. thank you for all your hard work.. well… you and AI!!👍👍

  6. Anyone complaining about Marcus’s support team hasn’t used Marcus’s support team. They’re awesome and often enough Marcus is even answering in the chat himself. Stop b*tch*ng and use your time to learn something and get sh*t done.

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