24 Replies to ““$300 Per Day” Pinterest Affiliate Marketing UPDATE & GUIDE”

  1. Well-done Kimberly.
    I am really glad I came across your videos and I want to say I am very much impressed and interested and I am starting today by GOD's grace.
    But I wanna know if you've made any money at all.

  2. i've given you a follow 'cause you were honest (unlike quite a lot!) and have admitted you still haven't made money. I'm going to follow you to see how long it takes you (i'm also just starting on Pinterest, but I've had a fraction of your success). best of luck

  3. So the title $300 a day was a little deceiving, right? Your title made it sound like you’re making $300 a day I watch the video to the end to find out you haven’t made nothing in a month and a half.

  4. Great video! Wondering your approximate monthly costs between using the 2 sites: WordPress and SEO Writing? Hoping to see an update soon when you see income coming in 😊 Thanks again!

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