6 HIGH-TICKET Affiliate Programs You Don’t Know About (But Should)

Try The Passive Income System

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There’s tons of affiliate programs out there and choosing the right programs to promote can be quite tricky. In this video, I’ll share …


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40 Replies to “6 HIGH-TICKET Affiliate Programs You Don’t Know About (But Should)”

  1. Most distracting video ever. Wow, wtf with all the random wacked out clips, dude? Afraid our attention spans won't stick around for your dialogue? Wrong. You are better than that. Ditch the cornball crap.

  2. I think you also need to do some research about some of these companies before making videos about them. I went to Google for Regal Assets, and the results are terrible. They have scammed lots of people. As affiliate marketers, we shouldn't promote products or services from companies like that because we are also destroying our image on the internet.

  3. You are correct, I never heard of some of these.
    Nice video, the last one really seems like a different program that can actually work if a little effort on marketing is applied.
    I see this was made like a year ago, so how's the earnings from the last offer- if you're still involved with it?
    Good video of sources though, nice work.

  4. Hey! Super video! I've been learning from a few of them ever since I first found your channel. lol I'm obsessed with your content and have slowly got my partner into your content as well, now we both can't stop watching!

    Thought I would also recommend another useful resource I've been learning a lot from. I found a bunch of awesome tips and hopefully your other viewers find it useful too 🙂

  5. Just FYI, Regal Assets has turned out to be a massive fraud. They have not deposited the Gold that people bought for their IRA's and the money and owner have absconded and no one knows where he or the money is. You have to be careful out there!

  6. what I've been wondering is how do you get into these programs if you are just starting. Goldco wants the name of your website or funnel. What if you dont have either. You will get rejected right?

  7. 5:45 it shows a warning that it is against their affiliate terms to show earnings made with Legendary Marketeer, you risk losing your active affiliate status. Spencer: whatever, shows earnings anyway….

  8. I’m underage and don’t know how I can do it safely legal wise and I don’t won’t to put the work in and go to get my pay and i can’t because I’m too young, any help?

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