38 Replies to “Affiliate Marketing: DO NOT Start Without Knowing This…”

  1. I like both… I feel the thing they don’t say enough, is that as a beginner you need to learn and master the skill of getting traffic AND converting it, whatever the cost of the product you’re promoting 😉

  2. One I don't get it is that why people go to other platforms or websites, rather than buying through amazon itself. I would look the I want to buy first on google or amazon.

  3. Thanks you very much for your videos i have started by blog and affiliate marketing journey and i am stuck I have two link I affiliate link and product page link I want user when they click on the button they should redirect to affiliate link and once it is load it will get redirected to product page so I get affiliate commssion and user will don't have to find the product

  4. Ok I know what you mean, I’ve only been working with low ticket stuff, (3 months experience as a marketer) can you please give me examples of high ticket affiliate programs and niches?

  5. Nice vid, I personally think that lots of starters just tend to stay with the low ticket offers because of fear I guess? I just started, made a profile on Paypro and chose a campagne that sells detox juices. Made a few short tiktoks about the benefits of it but I can’t figure out why it gets so little views…gained 20 clicks on my link – I used linktree but still haven’t gotten any sales. Is there something i’m doing clearly wrong? What are some ways I can promote products/services? Help!

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