30 Replies to “Affiliate marketing expectations vs reality”

  1. As a kid who wants to try affiliate marketing is probably showing off the thing i want people to buy, cause first of all my mom eont let me buy some crazy things, second i got no money

  2. I am not starting yet and I found this clip relatable since this is literally what I think, but if you watch more videos you will see that there are many apps for that and just jot down every piece of information that can help you and from their start to combine them all.

    1. Store -> Product —> get link —–> make a funnel —> advertise them —–> they buy

    well basically this more or less the back bone of affiliate marketing and for me the key feature for that were the making of a good funnel and good ads and from these two if you master it you will have tons of kaching

  3. It's about choosing a product you can market
    How you market
    Post consistent ads
    Become a trusted source 1st!
    Becareful of the untrustworthy
    Repeat the process
    Do this habitually

  4. How bout fuck that bs, go on Kijiji, say your friendly, work locally, labour work landscaping/seasonal/trade skillZ? #honest hard worker. # find your own customers # people have been in ur shoeZ# ppl pay more for help under tha table that r friendly and put in the Xtra effert 2 get shIt DONE # u can make Xtra 400 eZ working for your own customerZ # how much money U actually need?

  5. This is literally how 99 percent of affiliate marketers portray affiliate programs.

    Just like any legitimate business, it requires learning, time, and skill improvement to earn a substantial amount of money in affiliate programs.

    Yet, there's one top affiliate who's telling people to quit their job, drop out of college and start an online affiliate business. This is dangerous advice!

  6. Hi Jacob, I am 17 and I need someone that works on this area of affiliate marketing to at least talk to… Everyone is trying to sell me courses and I became sad about this market, is there an Email that I can at least have some conversations with you? I dont want to make you lose your time or steal your strategies, I pretty much just need to talk about what is this market

  7. Literally me. I fell for VeeFly’s Affiliate Program that paid affiliates 15% commission for each campaign created. Unfortunately, I got over 40 clicks, but none of the promised 15%. They were scamming me out of the 15% they promised their affiliates. I lost $69 and gained fake views because of VeeFly (too instant, unrealistic likes, viewers didn’t watch content in full, comments are advanced bots trained to comment like real people). I had them reported to the SEC because of this. When the SEC finds VeeFly, they will never scam anyone out of their money again! Nobody trust these websites, use something legitimate like Google Ads or YouTube’s new Promote feature.

  8. Thank you for sharing this because people keep referring this as passive income and not sharing the hard work in ethic that you have to put in for marketing where affiliate marketing because there was a lot of things that you need to manage. It’s not something that you need to share so thank you for sharing this. I just hate it when people miss lead things like this and just make it. Oh it’s just easy passive income.

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