35 Replies to “Affiliate Marketing GURUS Are Lying To You”

  1. Chad, thank you for this! What would you say is the very way to get started in affiliate marketing? The best training and support? I have looked at a few and just not sure which way to go. I don't feel like I can create everything on my own but maybe I can? Your advice is much appreciated!

  2. Ever wondered how big names like NerdWallet, Credit Karma, and Booking became multi-billion dollar affiliate marketing successes so quickly? It's all about their secret weapon: the HUB-based Connector Model. This innovative approach lets them integrate numerous funnels with different offers under a single URL, simplifying their operations and taking affiliate marketing to a whole new level. It's the untold secret behind their rapid success!


  3. Hey Chad, I follow you and all but I have to call you out on the Thumbnail used for this video. Really? Low blow. The three people you chose to picture are real and ARE making it in Affiliate Marketing. I don't promote their High Ticket platform choice so this isn't defending them in that sense but as an up and coming marketer, by using their picture and your Video titles, you implicate as liars. Don't hate brother. ANY business takes time…DUH. I bet if you interviewed anyone of those people you used in your thumbnail (I dare you) they would tell you the same. Stay in your lane and play your game. There's enough money and followers to go around. Don't use sleezy low blow tactics to attempt to make yourself look so innocent and just so informative.

  4. "Download My FREE Affiliate Marketing Guide" It's not a free download though is it really? (another lie?). Just email address collection. I get it, you want to market to those who give you their email address. My advice though would be this… tell the truth. If you're collecting email addresses then say so. Tell them that they would need to input their email address to get the guide up front. Otherwise… "I'm Out"

  5. Hi your AM playlist currently has 231 videos what would be the top 10-15 videos you would recommend as essential viewing to someone new to AM who is thinking of following your strategies?

  6. Bro I’m new to your channel first thank you…as someone in affiliate marketing for now about 2 1/2 years you are spot on …also #6 that affiliate marketing is easy that drives me nuts …essentially your building a business any business takes time and dedication plain n simple …I go on these podcasts comments section and I straight up tell them their full of it …even guys like Adam Enfroy and income school they act like everyone is coming at this with the same skill set ..there’s obviously many variables otherwise everyone would do this ?? Their just trying to sell their course I get that…I’ve been doing this like I said for 2 1/2 years and only recently have I had success selling a few items ..there’s important things that are not mentioned things such as the know how of SEO, writing articles correctly for the serps, how many indexed articles 5 or 500, Topical clusters, also you can’t write 1 product review and expect 10,000 visitors to that blog post a month with a DR of 0, low competition keywords, YMYL niche-competition…there’s a lot -you get my point Again, thanks!!

  7. I looked into several affiliate companies. What I’ve found is many are being sued by buyers and email programs.
    Many people don’t want the spam and these email lists continue to break the spam laws! Many beginners get caught up with these spam laws suits and end up paying large fines before making any money. Please look into these claims before you buy into anything.

  8. Hi Chad! Thank you for being so honest. What you're saying makes a lot of sense. There are only 3 you tubers that I trust, watch, follow and subscribed to and you are one of them. Keep on doing what youre doing and you are blessing rising entrepreneurs. Big THUMBS UP!!!!

  9. Just as I'm watching this, an affiliate page popped up on Tiktok (Brent & Molly high ticket travellers)…..do you have any experience with them at all? (they seem the real deal & have a free webinar that I was considering giving a watch)…..great video thank you! 😊

  10. @ChadBartlett Thanks for the content Chad. I have a question. Can you buy 1 domain and then link & 301 redirect separate web pages within your domain to different affiliate products? (though I'm sure not amazon).. I've seen where YouTuber's have used their domain brand name /affiliate (product name) Would you mind sharing How this is done? I hope I'm not being too confusing 😅 Thanks so much!

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