Affiliate Marketing in 2024, Here’s What I’d Do [0-$100k Course]

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32 Replies to “Affiliate Marketing in 2024, Here’s What I’d Do [0-$100k Course]”

  1. The thing is Adam, you make it seem like getting traffic is so easy. Even if you did the outdoor blog and sold Amazon products through blog posts. You make it seem like getting traffic is easy it’s impossible man. I tried all of this. I could get NO TRAFFIC

  2. One of the major problems that no " Guru" content creator talks about is: How difficult it is for a new affiliate blogger to get approved by a brand to be able to advertise their products on your blog… Here we talk about what to sell, how to sell it, bla, bla, bla… When you do a perfect Blog, content, photos, graphs, columns, bullet points, videos IT DONT MATTER… you apply to tthe brand and their normal response is always: 1, You dont have enough content, 2.) you dont have enough traffic on your site… A new blogger does not have a chance even if your blog is perfect….

  3. I am always super interested in how to get pictures of the products about which you will write an article. Any tips and tricks? AI cannot generate pictures of specific watch, and it is too expensive to buy for a review.

  4. Hi Adam. You've been a great inspiration. I've lost count of the no. of your videos I've watched and made notes on. Watching your earlier videos , I started my affiliate marketing journey with the saunas/pools/hot tubs niche for the US market. What do you think about the competitiveness and future of this niche ? Please please share your expert views and advice for me, if any. ( Problem is that i cant buy any of these expensive products for reviews. Is there a way around? )

  5. This is the newest video so I'm sure I'll get an answer to my question which is on all the recent videos. I was ready to pay but what is the discount? There are 2 different ones on the sales page.

  6. Hi Adam, thanks for a great video. One thing that has always confused me is about how I position my blog globally. Do I target my home country or the world as a whole? Are my affiliate links pointing to products sold by US suppliers or suppliers in other countries? I am in the UK, I could get affiliate links from UK suppliers of products, but should I also promote links from US suppliers and suppliers in other countries (Canada/Australia/China)

  7. I intend to set up a blog about audio. So my question is as follows: Is it necessary to own the items that I'll be promoting so that I can take pictures of them? Do I need a mirrorless camera to make my website appear reliable and professional?

  8. valuable content, always exceeds 20 minutes.
    Please suggest the best CDN to hasten my site, because I target American people in particular and European people in general. (I'd appreciate your help.)

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