Affiliate Marketing in 2024 (How I’d Start with $0)

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22 Replies to “Affiliate Marketing in 2024 (How I’d Start with $0)”

  1. Nice videos man really enjoying the content. I’ve always struggled to stick to 1 niche as there’s about 10 different topics I like to talk about! Narrowing down feels too restrictive.

  2. Same info in almost every video you post. I get that things don’t necessarily change but I don’t get why you just post the same info too. New content would be nice!

  3. I've begun watching the masterclass many times and never completed it. Sorry,Adam,it's not a boring video. it's just that i run out of energy. I usually begin it at lunchtime 6:26 . And then run out of time. I'll set time aside to watch it,where i can take notes,undestracted. Thanks for what you do, Adam.

  4. I haven't been following along with Adam lately. I'm just kind of discouraged. I know I need to start doing my homework,but I've just been very exhausted for some reason. Theres too much coming at me in life and I'm just overwhelmed.

  5. Hey Adam I took your advice and just got started. I made my url very broad so I didn’t need to focus on one niche. I have put up around 12 2500 word articles with low competition keywords. I wonder what you reckon I should be next? Should I keep creating low competition keyword articles and then start reacting to the traffic?

  6. You should show how you make money today …. By people clicking the link in the description and trading their email for the free course . Then you nurture that new relationship in an email campaign and sell them another course or membership or mentoring.

  7. Shouldn’t most of the posts even for affiliate sites be informational that prop up the commercial and transactional posts. The ratio for affiliate sites should be 60% informational 20% commercial and 20% transactional. The informational posts help to bring more traffic to the site, get leads from a form in the sidebar form and bring awareness to the rest of your posts from the top bar.

  8. Hi Adam! Thanks for all these videos, you're the only affiliate marketing blogger that I even watch anymore, you have all the info! I think I've watched most of your videos on this but did you do one on Travel Payouts that I missed? If not, what is your take on using them? Thanks!!

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