Best Free WordPress Theme for Affiliate Marketing (w/ Built-in Schema)

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The Best Free WordPress Theme for Affiliate Marketing should give you all the review elements such as the “Review Summary …


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48 Replies to “Best Free WordPress Theme for Affiliate Marketing (w/ Built-in Schema)”

  1. This video almost gets the setup explained. There's some serious parts that are skipped over way to fast. It took me 5-6 tries to figure out how to add a featured image and there's nothing at all about how to position elements or reorder them. This is not structured nearly as well as using Elementor or other page builders.

  2. This is amazing! I just discovered Blocksy and it seems to be exactly what I was looking for. I've been trying to find a theme that for most of what I was looking for and I must have gone through 5000 themes. I've been trying for months! I was getting extremely discouraged to say the least. I JUST discovered Blocksy within a couple of hours. Unfortunately I don't remember HOW I found it, but SO GLAD I DID! You're video is just icing on the cake for me! THANK YOU!

  3. Great video Jack. I got a question. If I do a single product review post using Blocksy's Product Review, but let's say after 5 months I want to change the theme. What will happen with those product review posts? Will they go to the normal post section? Or when you create a product review, that post will be under the post section of wordpress? I will have a post in two sections both WP Post and Blocksy Product Review? Thanks

  4. it would be so awesome if they have this in dynamic content or do they? Also at 14:14 How is it possible to link the product review under blocksy companion with the categories. much like when you do a post and new post it show under a category.

  5. Hello Jack great info and great work also, I started following you since yesterday and I made a few changes starting my website, I am a beginner, trying to change my life stile with affiliate marketing, any how my question to you is: I change my page theme to "Blocksy" but than I saw another video that you use to created like a landing page called 2021 theme!, which one is the best for me to use if I may ask? thank you.

  6. Hey Jack, I've been watching you videos and there super awesome man, keep up the good work.

    I normally use thrive architect because it provided quizzes and split testing. Is there any of those feature with blocksy or kadence?

  7. Are you ever going to do a video comparing the Income School's theme Acabado to Blocksy when it comes to affiliate marketing? I was also wondering if Blocksy will work with the full site editing that was just implemented in the Gutenberg editor. I know that Kadence is supposed to work with the full site Gutenberg editor, but I don't know of any other themes that are also designed to do that.

  8. Hey Jack, can you please make a video on creating a search bar for acf fields with Gutenberg? I have seen your video on dynamic fields.

    I'm creating a real estate listing sure with Gutenberg and customise like house size, price, etc and need a search bar for searching these fields. Any idea on what can do this?

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