Cara Buat RM17500 Dengan Affiliate Shopee | Anda Pun Boleh !

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Try The Passive Income System

The #1 Easiest Way To Pocket Daily Commissions get started now

33 Replies to “Cara Buat RM17500 Dengan Affiliate Shopee | Anda Pun Boleh !”

  1. kalau dia tulis "Your registration has been received and will be reviewed by Shopee team. This process usually takes a few days, rest assured that we will get back to you within 5 business days and notification will be sent to your email" maknanya kene tunggu 5 hari lah kan?

    edit: 3 hari lalu alhamdulillah lepas! boleh affiliateee tq menjadi saudara

  2. Bang saya ada 3 pertanyaan bahaya ke hantar account payment setting
    2. link mana satu nak hantar link kedai ke link barang tu atau 2pun bole
    3 .boleh ke buat screenshotiproduk tu lepas uplod tikok atau mana2 sosial media

  3. tapi kan haritu aku daftar bantai je letak link twitter walaupom twitter followe 2 3 ketul je pon tpi shoppee aproved jadi shoppee affiliates, tak tahu la ni bug ke apa ke 😂😂

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