49 Replies to “Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing with Pinterest Business Account | Make Passive Income”

  1. Assalam o Alaikum! Rafy bro from Pakistan. I have been promoting fiverr affiliate links on quora. I got about 600 clicks in about 2 days but no registrations, ftbs and earnings

  2. Thanks for the information and all the details in the video. It would be nice to make passive income but I don't think it will happen.

  3. i tried to copy you but the business account i opened would not let me create ad account in my country, would not let me use the seo feature when i want to create a pin. no place for me to use any tags. just name, pic, description and link… how can i go about this bro?

  4. Hello brother, I have a lot of pinterest ads credit, like I have 4000$ worth of free ad spend for pinterest. Can you recommend any good idea , what campaign should I run? if I make even 2500$ for 4000$ spending, I am okay because it's an ad credit free to me!

  5. Great video watch again after work. I stink at all this. I have been looking for help for social media sites and I truly believe this video will have me going in the right direction. I have one question what you are going to do different niche should you have more than one account. I can't design so this helps. Can't find help on Fiverr I guess I need to go back and check again

  6. Salaam to you! It's pure coincidence that you pick that profile name, DesignOutlet which is not far off from the real huge retail outlet of almost the same name here in Kent, UK, where we live! Anyway, this video is proof of an excellent one as I am still learning how to 'master' Pinterest! I really love that pointer about using Google Trends to gauge the trends. Excellent!!!!

  7. Bro i want to know one think about fiverr affiliate marketing
    I have more than 700 click but i didnโ€™t even able to register anyone, now i wanted to know is there any lacking of promoting?

  8. This is really helpful can we choose any country for this?

    And some countries that can't accept other affiliate programs can we use fiverr affiliate program for it?

    Thanks for the insight ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  9. 1. Is it okay to create fiverr seller and affiliate account using same email?

    2. Is it okay to use same payoneer or bank account to fiverr seller and affiliate account?

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