Easy $75/Hour Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Tutorial For Beginners (2024)

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42 Replies to “Easy $75/Hour Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Tutorial For Beginners (2024)”

  1. hey guys, the tag icon (where i get to tag products) don't appear for me when i try to create a pin, does anyone know how to solve this issue? i'm not from the us but i put it as my country and it still doesn't work..

  2. Would love you see a video/pdf for your actual prompts that you're using guy. 😊 You said PASTE the prompt… Where are you copying from to paste it??

  3. Here's how to make $10,000 a month:

    If you cancel Netflix, you save $10/month

    If you cancel Netflix 1000 times, you save $10,000/month.

    I will be back with more accurate facts soon😎

  4. Great video! Dave! You keep on improving your video quality and giving us free value ❤ I used one of your methods on Pinterest and earned my first $300 net profit! But do you have any tips on strategies for making better ads? Would love to see a video on

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