Email Marketing For Affiliate Marketers: How I Built My 88,506 Subscriber Email List

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Most email marketing for affiliate marketers is just garbage and prevents you from getting to a consistent 5-6 figure per month …


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23 Replies to “Email Marketing For Affiliate Marketers: How I Built My 88,506 Subscriber Email List”

  1. Makes perfect sense. It makes so much sense that it's senseless to do anything else #1Q… maybe once. I have tons of ebooks. Plz share some offers/examples that provide value over volume. Id love to see what an offer like that would look like.

  2. to be totally honest, I don't think I've EVERY downloaded an e-book and read the whole thing. You are right about "cheat sheets." Those I have actually used!

  3. Hey I'm New here on Your vidéo but i have a qst please hope u'll give me an answear I started print on demand using Redbubble platform and i want to share m'y store so i can get more sales can i use this method ( emails Marketing) Marketing affiliate to share m'y store or is it's illégal for Redbubble i don't want to get m'y store's banned hope u can answear !

  4. just a question… as you said we can't exchange value for volume, so do you think it would be better not to deliver an ebook because it's too shallow content, but it could be through an advertorial with tips… for example, I'm looking to sell a product to make women's hair naturally straight, do you think it would be a good option to create an advertorial with valuable tips on how to use a flat iron and then make a hook and start telling about my product that aims to make hair straight naturally!.. do you think this would be good content to get an email? or would I have to provide more valuable content?

  5. Thank you very much… I'm from Brazil and in my country digital marketing or affiliate marketing as they say here is not as big and diverse as it is here… even though there are several big players here in Brazil, here the content is different. .. thanks for the successful content brother… 👊🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

  6. I actually downloaded AND read an e-book from another guy on YouTube, last week.
    You could tell, INSTANTLY, that it was written with chatGPT.
    It was so poorly edited, that I actually went onto Instagram, (a site I haven't used in 4 years), just to tell him how bad his book is.
    The only "editing" that he did, was to add various hyperlinks.
    Aside from the small amount of useful info in the book, the typographical errors were so bad that I actually offered to re-write the book for him.
    Unsurprisingly, he hasn't responded.

  7. Your Question, about how much we read ebooks online, it's rare, I read as many pages are useful. However , some I keep and consult, some I read once and don't reread. Last read all through was in february..

  8. Can you do a video about conversion rates in email affiliate marketing? For eg, what can I expect from (approximately) from a 1000,5000, or a 25,000 email list.

  9. hey im 15 and i am struggling on how to start affiliate marketing and im from india i dont understand email marketing at all idk how to create a sales funnel how to collect emails and how to get traffic to collect emails pls help me i dont have any money to start with 🙁 i am not finding a single video which has a full step by step guide on how to start it pls help me i m losing hopes

  10. What your saying makes sense. I'm trying affiliate marketing. I'm getting traffic on my ads no sales. Any tip of what I can tweak to get sales. Or tools I need to buy

  11. ps… Thanks Peter… this advice came at the very time I needed to hear it!… yes folks, I'm a big Garety fan… why?… because I believe he cares and does not blow smoke up your butt… and no, I don't know Peter personally, or am I employed by him, but I believe in his truthfulness and sincerity…

  12. Peter.. I have had a real devastating last few months… you have been one of my main men for a while now… really glad to see you posting these YouTubes… If people listen up it will really help them as it does me… You folks out there, listen and follow Peter Garety, you will only benefit and profit… Peter knows what he is talking about, he started from despair and has built a rock solid, forward thinking business, not filled with hype… he also does not spin all kinds of BS on you and promote things non stop he does not care about, like most do, but has been steadfast in building his business… Pay attention!… Thank You very much Peter, you have remained one of my main hopes for future success!!!…

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