I Tried Affiliate Marketing for 30 Days without Money

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3 Replies to “I Tried Affiliate Marketing for 30 Days without Money”

  1. @jalliartturi I don't understand what's happening. For the past 10-15 days, the articles I have been posting are not showing up on Google anywhere I have also asked you previously.If I search for the "keyword", the articles with internal links of that particular post show up, but not the exact article. It's not that I don't know SEO or the content is not good. I have written all the content myself and I have experience in this niche. Can you tell I figured out what the problem could be?

    Can you advise me whether I should continue working on this domain or skip it, as it's causing me depression? My previously posted articles performed well, and while I don't have articles like "best tennis balls for 7 year olds" or "best tennis balls for 8 years," I have posted articles like "best Japanese dictionary books" and "best Indian dictionary books." I also have some redirections could they be the reason?

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