22 Replies to “I Tried Affiliate Marketing for 7 Days With NO Money”

  1. he made a funnel to teach others how to make a funnel and used the earnings from the funnel sign ups
    to promote the funnel he already created to create funnelception

  2. bro, you already have an audience that you sold this to, how were you expecting not to get clicks, what about the "new" youtube channel? I was interested, honestly, but when I saw that, i knew. I thought you were the real one 🙁

  3. I have around 18k real active followers on Instagram with average 50k+ views on my every reel daily. As I live in Pakistan so there is no monetization feature here but I wanna earn so bad, so my question is how can I earn from this account?

  4. Any tips on video creation and editing for people who are not experienced? I see that the effort has to be made in creating content to market the product… is there any tools that are one click or two click to editing a video?? 😊

  5. Your dedication to the affiliate marketing challenge is commendable! Can you share the most valuable lesson you've learned from this experience that can benefit others who are just starting with affiliate marketing?

  6. When you click the free affiliate funnel , it directs you to the sign up page and that his goal. He is using the curiosity strategy so others try to see his funnel then sign up . Lovely marketer.

  7. For tiktok its because you use exact same part in each video where you only change the intro, and for the rest im not really convinced, you posted your content on a already working and existing channel so its not from 0, would like to see someone do this from 0 money, 0 audience, 0 contacts

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