42 Replies to “Make $100/Day with Affiliate Marketing πŸ’°”

  1. I have watched tons of videos on making quick dollars with affiliate marketing. Yours is the best. Highly entertaining and helpful. I have learned a lot. Especially I like 80 vs 20 content rule. It's a pity I missed your workshop because I found this video too late. Anyway, thanks for the great video!!

  2. Definitely worth mentioning the potential of smaller, low-barrier items. It can potentially be easier to convince 40 people to buy a $10 product than one person to buy a $400 product. Just depends on your niche I suppose

  3. Ello! Do you have any ideas about copywriting as a full time job? I know online it can be a big thing and that you can make some really good money from it, but is it worth the time and effort?

  4. Hi Jessica: I’m a fun, and just love you, I’m currently helping some people to complete a 100 people survey question interview through Zoom. They want to help women who’s willing to work and get rewarded by what they can do. I’m having trouble getting the 100 people, just wondering if you could help?

  5. Hey Jessica, I just subscribed to your channel today 9/30/22, because you sound very knowledgeable about affiliate marketing. I would like to ask what are the names of affiliates with a recurring commission?

  6. Jessica, your videos are AMAZING, your stories are AMAZING, and even if I am repeating myself by saying this, YOU ARE AMAZING. I love this video. I want to become independent from my corporate job but have never been able to get past the fears. I am watching The 4 Best Side Hustles that will help you QUIT YOUR JOB! that you put out in FEB of this year. Actually, I am downloading it so I can watch it and have it saved because bookmarking it is not good enough. You make it all look easy and I love your stories and your advice, it is so down-to-earth. I am sure I will end up watching it and then hitting YouTube to watch more content of yours like this video. Thank you for being you.

  7. Hi! Can pls you clarify whether you need an audience or subscribers built up first even though you know what your niche will be, before this will work? ps LOVE your content you are so inspiring!

  8. I would love to do the workshop but I’ll be, well, working. Is there a possibility of getting any info or a recording of this? If not, I guess I’ll have to catch the next one! Thank you for all of the content you β€œgive away.” I have found your info inspiring and helpful.

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