Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Guide – How I Made $22,143 in 30 Days (2024 Method)

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Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Guide – How I Made $22143 in 30 Days (2024 Method) ➜ Affiliate Marketing Course: …


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38 Replies to “Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Guide – How I Made $22,143 in 30 Days (2024 Method)”

  1. After watching your last video about Pinterest affiliate marketing I started posting on Pinterest everyday and after a month I was already at 1 million monthly views. Two months later my following sits at 1k with 2 million monthly views

  2. Hey Sara! How do you handle disclosures for affiliate links? I know they're technically not allowed on pinterest without a disclosure but I don't see you doing that on your account – have you ever had your account flagged or posts removed?

  3. Hi! Really informative video- thanks. Question regarding Amazon affiliate links- aren’t they only good for a short amount of time? I believe 24-48 hours? Do you have to go into your Shopify account and update the affiliate links daily?

  4. Hi Sara! Thank you for the great video! I was wondering if you could share how a week of posting on Pinterest looks like? You mentioned 8 pins a day, do you plan them in a specific way? Thank you!! 😊

  5. Hi Sara! great video, thanks 🙂 do you recommend adding other people's pins to our boards, to kind of fill our Pinterest account? so not just create pins but also save other people's? or is that unnecessary? thank you!!

  6. Hi Sara… I started my Pinterest in Kate September of 2023 and saw a good increase emy monthly views…

    But somehow after the pinterest updates in late October or so, I suddenly saw my views dropped drastically plus the pins that I was posting looked kinda skewed than looking crispier…

    Can you please advise / help me out?

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